All I Want For Christmas Is A Boxer Puppy
Christmas is a special time of the year for boxer owners. As we de-drool our Christmas ornaments, we can’t help but be thankful for the joy our boxers have brought to our lives.
With Christmas just around the corner, we felt it appropriate to celebrate Christmas surprise boxer puppies. Watch these people’s reactions as they receive the best gift a person can ask for…to be owned by a boxer.
The Tear Jerker
Some dog videos make us so happy that we shed a tear, and others make us straight up bawl.
Just read the description for this video and try not to cry:
My boyfriend had a boxer named Chance who passed away earlier this year at 9 years old. He was EXTREMELY close to him and it was a devastating loss. The dog was amazing and I was also close to him. I knew just from talking that he was interested in another dog particularly another boxer and I also knew he wouldn’t want another that looked like Chance so I made sure to pick a brindle one rather than a fawn color. He broke down just from seeing the big box…. I didn’t get this puppy to replace Chance but just to fill that void and give him another loving furry companion.
Subscribe to Danielle B’s YouTube Channel
“You Got Me A Baby For Christmas!”
Watch as this woman loses her mind when she meets the new surprise addition to her family (Technically, this is a French Bulldog, not a boxer).
Subscribe to justinmcmillion’s YouTube Channel
That ‘Awwwwwe’ Moment
This young girl is brought to tears after her mom and dad surprised her with a seven-week-old boxer puppy on Christmas morning!
Subscribe to 71Sworks’ YouTube Channel
I Just Need To Sit Down And Cry
This mommy got more than she expected on her return home from Christmas vacation.
Subscribe to David Silva’s YouTube Channel
“It’s A Puppy!”
Another Christmas, another satisfied boxer puppy recipient.