Protect Your Dog: Benefits of the Pet Microchip

Benefits of the Pet Microchip

Every dog owner wants to keep his or her dog as safe as possible. You always do your best to provide the protection that your dog deserves in order to keep him or her safe and healthy.

If your dog is indoors, chances are you may not always see the great importance of identification tags, but you really should. Consider a scenario where your canine escapes out the back door or somehow gets off of the leash. While an identification tag is nice to have, it is definitely not the failsafe that we would like to think it is (The few times my dog has gotten loose, it was due to her escaping her collar or harness).

That is a scary situation knowing that your dog is out there without any way of notifying anyone of where she lives, or that she even has a caring owner. When you pair that with the fact that most shelters put dogs down after seven days, the importance of the microchip becomes quite clear.

What is it?

The microchip is the most advanced technology that we currently have for pet identification. This small RFID chip is usually inserted in the loose skin between the shoulder blades/behind the neck and is roughly the size of a grain of rice. It holds all of the vital information to make sure that your pooch gets home safely.

The basic contact information is stored in a national microchip database that is easily accessible to those who possess the particular digital scanner. Most shelters and vet clinics have the ability to scan them, as they are a widely accepted technology.

What is the procedure like?

Microchip insertion is a very simple procedure that involves a hypodermic needle inserted just underneath your pet’s skin. It is comparable to getting a vaccination shot.

Most veterinarian clinics provide this service. The average cost of the procedure is usually around $45, which covers the insertion and registration into the pet recovery database. Also, this is a one-time fee and not a recurring cost.

Important Things to Remember

There are some important things for dog owners to keep in mind. First, if your dog gets lost, you shouldn’t hesitate to actively seek your dog out. Having a microchip isn’t a full-proof way of recovering your furry friend. You should still be aggressive in seeking out local shelters, for not every facility is equipped with the proper technology.

Don’t forget to make flyers and contact people around your neighborhood. Another thing to keep in mind is to keep your contact information updated on the pet recovery database. If you move or change your phone number, it’s vital that you let them know or you’re microchip is rendered useless.

Lastly, it is important that you get your dog chipped at an early age. Puppies can have the microchip at six weeks old; even small breeds. If you have any questions or concerns with any of the information on RFID microchips, please contact your local veterinarian.


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